How to Shave Your Genitals for Gents

Although not popular in all cultures, a lot of men choose to shave their genitals for one reason or another. Once it would have been frowned upon although nowadays, it seems to be more common place.

Why Do So?

There are a lot of reasons why manscaping has become so popular, chief of which is that it obviously makes sexual encounters much more intimate and practical. However, shaving can also help to prevent unpleasant odors that can collect in pubic hair, improve “feel” during foreplay and sex, and even help to make penises appear larger. Also with the majority of women “expected” to trim their pubic hair, it’s only fitting that men do the same out of respect (unless their partner prefers otherwise of course).

Things to Keep in Mind

Before you learn about how to go about shaving your genitals though, there are a few points to keep in mind:

  • Shaving can cause irritation and micro trauma which in turn can increase the risk of contracting a viral infection.
  • For those who prefer a close shave, a couple of days afterwards might result in itching as the hair begins to grow back. Over time this will lessen though.
  • If not careful, trimming pubic hair can result in nicks, cuts, ingrown hairs and razor burn.
  • Pimples are more likely to appear or at least be more visible with shaved genitals.

With careful planning and a methodical approach, many of these things can be easily avoided.

Using a Salon

One way to “manscape” is to visit a salon to have it done professionally. This might sound odd, but women have been visiting these places for decades and it’s becoming increasingly popular for men to do the same. However, once there, you might be “persuaded” to try waxing and this might not be everyone’s idea of a fun time. If you’re someone who likes to have your chest and back waxed, then perhaps going downstairs at the same time can be convenient. For the majority who would prefer to do the job themselves though, read on.


Similar to shaving your face, it helps to warm up the area being shaved to help open hair follicles. This can be done by running a facecloth or towel under warm water and then using it to clean the area to be shaved. Also, depending on your preference you may wish to have pre-shave oil, shaving gel/foam, and body powder on hand. Some people recommend an antiseptic which can be applied after shaving to prevent pimple outbreaks or other infection due to any bacteria entering open pores or cuts.


Electric Body Groomer or Trimmer

Gillette Fusion Proglide Styler 3-In-1The first step to shaving your genitals involves using a body groomer. For those who want little fuss and don’t mind leaving a little bit of hair on their genitals, a body groomer may be all that is needed. Using one still has the same effect and will keep your genitals looking neat, and can greatly shorten the time required each time you choose to “manscape”.

It’s also possible to use a regular beard or hair trimmer for this purpose. However, keep in mind that with the regular teeth of a trimmer, it’s incredibly easy to nick the bumpy skin of the scrotum. For this reason, it is recommended that you only use the trimmer to carefully reduce the hair length. This will leave it at a manageable length, allowing you to shave with a razor without cuts or clogging.

Best of all, (If you can get one), a body groomer is really the way to go. There are many different models available on the market, some of which collect the hair as you shave, and some that also double as a regular trimmer. Many also have heads that swivel for a closer and more convenient shave.

Regular Razor Blade

Disposable RazorNow that the hair is down to a manageable level, for those who want a smooth shave, it’s time to either apply the pre-shave oil or shaving gel/foam. If using the latter, make sure it’s in a lather before you apply it liberally to your penis, scrotum and surrounding area. When using a razor, make sure that it’s sharp and doesn’t have any hair or other material clogged in the blades as this will cause pulling (ouch) and an uneven shave. Keep the blade clean by rinsing it regularly in hot water, or by running it under a hot tap.

The recommended manner for shaving involves first going with the grain, then coming back and shaving against the grain to get rid of stubble, and finally going back with the grain to lay the hairs in the correct position. Of course, this might be more difficult when it comes to shaving the scrotum so here just shave as best you can. Remember to also shave some of the surrounding area towards your buttocks as well as the sides of the scrotum leading to your legs for an even and clean shave.

Post Care

Once you have finished shaving it’s recommended to take a shower to help clean the area more effectively and to remove any hairs that have been left behind. Once done , just double check and remove any stubborn hairs that may have been missed. If you have some on hand, apply antiseptic to the area liberally and once dried apply body powder. The body powder will help to prevent discomfort caused by friction, and will help to keep your genitals smooth and dry.

Over time you will find the method for shaving genitals that works best for you, and remember, any discomfort you feel afterwards (particularly itching) will probably decrease with each shave.

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